Internet Marketing
Promotion and Advertising Strategies

internet marketing promotion and advertising

Internet marketing promotion and advertising strategies work even for a small business, when chosen carefully and implemented correctly.

This is key to small business success!

A global presence with millions of customers is the ultimate dream of almost every business. But the small business owner with limited resources and a small investment capability feels it is too big a dream to even contemplate.

That sentiment is no longer true in this day and age of the internet and a world seemingly without borders. The tools and resources we now have at our fingertips have provided us with a way to reach the global customer in a way we never could before.

Websites providing quality information that meets the needs of potential clients and customers have proven again and again that adding value and offering quality is still the way to grow a successful business - offline and online.

It requires a conscious effort to think beyond domestic markets, create a standardized product or service that has appeal in different cultures and countries, and have the ability to deliver across the globe.

Tough though it may seem, a set of effective internet marketing promotion and advertising strategies, can make this task simpler and quicker than you might expect.

Effective Internet Marketing
Promotion And Advertising Strategies

  1. Adopt the four P’s of Marketing - Marketing strategies, both domestic and global, revolve around four basic principles.

         Product - The small business owner must ensure that his product or service is standardized, is world class in terms of quality, is functional and reliable, and is also supported by warranties and servicing facilities. The right product is essential for a marketing strategy to be effective.

          Price - The price of the product is often the deciding factor, and therefore the correct pricing strategy becomes important for global marketing. The price has to be tempting for the global customer, and this can be further reinforced with discounts on large orders. When determining your price point, read Make Your Price Sell.

          Place - The place becomes important for distribution channels to be established, and the products have to be in the right place at the right time.

          Promotion - Promotion becomes important since it establishes methods of communication with customers, through your website, advertising, campaigns, publicity, public relations, and personnel. Good communication builds relationships.

  2. Create partnerships - A small business can have a global reach through strategic partnerships in other countries and far flung areas.

    These partnerships can provide you with a shared contact base of the partner organization and ensure a market for your product without personally being there.

    Once exports have been well received, the global appeal of the product becomes clear. It is then just a question of getting enthusiastic partners in different countries who will act as the liaison between the business and the customer.

  3. Internet Marketing - Internet marketing has proven to be the cheapest and one of the most effective marketing strategies with a reach of millions and the capability of yielding instant results.

    This can be achieved by creating a website and then using tools of internet marketing like newsletters, link building, search engine optimized articles and so on.

  4. Social Marketing - Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and tens of others are a great way of communicating with people, building relationships, sharing news and product information, and getting more and more people interested in your products and services.

    Social network marketing can help to expand your customer base through referrals and genuinely benefit your small business. Keep in mind that there no regional boundaries and customers across the globe can be reached simultaneously.

With these global marketing strategies that cost very little, the small business can develop and grow beyond its domestic domain and make its mark in the world at large.

Where do you start? Based on my experience, the best place to begin is to establish a solid website presence. Once you've got a great foundation, the world is your oyster!

Internet Marketing Promotion and Advertising to Home Business Start Ups
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