Christmas Truffles
A Cute, Sweet Treat

christmas truffles

Christmas Truffles are a lot easier to make than you might imagine.

These look-alike Christmas pudding truffles are little bites of heaven in your mouth, and adorable festive treats.

This particular batch of chocolate covered cookie truffles was whipped up by some of my favorite little cooks.

Sisters Abigail, Annabelle, and Ruby enjoy working together in the kitchen creating delicious morsels that they often share with me if I'm lucky enough to be around before they are all gone!

They made this batch a few years ago, and although my girls are mostly grown up now, I still cherish the memories of this special time together.

Although truffles may seem like a challenge to get right, there are plenty of varieties that are hard to mess up and this is one of them.

In fact, there are only 3 basic stages - the cookie based center, the chocolate coating, and the decorations on top.

If the girls can do it, so can you.

How To Make Christmas Truffles
That Look Like Little Christmas Puddings

Christmas Truffles

Of course, this recipe was made by three little Aussie girls so the weights are in metric. I'll convert them for you to save you time, but generally speaking this is the type of recipe that has a fair bit of wiggle room.

Ingredients needed to prepare these yummy bites:

  • 200 grams (7-8 ounces) biscuits (cookies); you can use almost any type of cookie, but they used coconut coconut biscuits
  • 100 grams (3 1/2 ounces) toasted almonds
  • 375 grams (12 ounce bag) of white chocolate chips/pieces, melted
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 100 grams (4 ounces) chocolate chips/pieces, melted
  • 1 red glace cherry, chopped
  • 1 green glace cherry, chopped; you can use red and green gummy worms or other jellied candies if that is easier

What to do:

  1. Melt the white chocolate and set aside.
  2. Crush the cookies and then combine with the heavy cream and half of the melted white chocolate.
  3. Roll the mixture into truffle sized balls and put them in the fridge to get firm and chilled.
  4. Melt the dark chocolate and dip the chilled balls into the chocolate until covered. Drizzle the remaining white chocolate over the tops and then decorate with the red and green cherry/candy pieces to make it look like berries and leaves on top.
Christmas Truffles

It really is as easy as that. You can probably put these Christmas truffles together in as little as 20-30 minutes. Although they sound a bit fiddly and involved, they really aren't too bad.

If you've got kids, this is a great Christmas candy recipe to get them involved in making because you really aren't cooking apart from melting the chocolate, and that can be done in the microwave if you're careful.

I know Ruby, Abigail, and Annabelle were quite proud of their creations and they especially loved gobbling them up. Can't you tell? :)


Merry Christmas,

Share your Favorite Christmas Recipes and ideas!

Do you have any tried and true homemade Christmas recipes? I'd love to give them a try! From one sweet tooth to another, "Hand 'em over!"

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